I went to Phoenicia to be reborn. A yoga retreat on the Catskill Mountains cleaned me out of about 8 billion pounds of baggage. The entire time was spent in silence as we fasted with The Master Cleanse, yoga, nature, and hot, hot heat. Salvador was the master of ceremony for the sweat lodge. He and his hippiedudes built a ceremonial sweat lodge out of sticks with an altar facing west. He asked the stones we were using to heat the lodge to also heal us. Then he poured water on them and we all sweat out our demons. Some people cried. I was in a trance state that could've lasted for days. Emerging from the pitch black darkness of the lodge, I felt lighter and purer.
Possession is a lovely demon of mine. She wants everything for herself, and will covet until she gets it. She obsesses, she has mood swings if her expectations are not met. She is the only child, the material wonder.
We had a full moon ritual at our house, in the light of the circle. Once again, released my lovely demon into the fire, eager for the rebirth.
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